Microsoft Word - food_as_medicine.doc

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blockage and the damaging effects of blockage such as atherosclerosis, which
can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Again, however, it is too early too know if
these initial study results will ultimately prove helpful for people.

  1. Nutmeg Powder ~ Jaiphal
    Has a warm and pleasing flavor. Used to flavor curries, kormas, rice dishes, and
    Indian desserts. Also, used as a remedy for digestive disorders.

Medicinal Properties:

Colicky pain and diarrhoea: Take 1/8 tsp finely ground nutmeg along
with 1 tsp jaggery and 1 tsp ghee.
Dehydration due to diarrhoea particularly in Cholera: Soak half a
nutmeg in 2 teacups water for over 2-3 hours.Mix equal quantities of this
infusion and fresh coconut water.Drink twice or thrice daily.
Diarrhoea: Add a pinch of nutmeg powder and 1/4 tsp ginger paste to 1
glass buttermilk and drink.
Dysentry: Take a pinch of nutmeg powdered nutmeg with a cup of hot
Eczema,Ringworm: Rub a nutmeg against a smooth stone slab with a
little water and make a paste.Apply on the affected parts.
Pimples: Grind equal quantities of nutmeg,black pepper and sandalwood
and apply frequently.

  1. Tamarind ~ Imli
    Tart and unique sour taste. Used in chutney, sambhar and chats to give a sour
    flavor to foods, somewhat like lemons and limes.

Medicinal Properties:

Blood Clot/Swelling due to injuries:After removing the seeds and
fibre,mix the pulp(3 tbsp) with 1 tsp salt and 1/2 cup water.Mix thoroughly
and heat the mixture in a container.When bearably hot,apply on the
affected areas.Wash with water the next day and repeat for 3 days.
Indigestion,loss of appetite,tastelessness: Rasam,a soup of tomato
with tamarind pulp,cumin,coriander seeds,black pepper,curry
leaves,ginger and garlic,either drunk straight or with plain,steamed rice.
Fevers: Make an infusion of 1 tsp fruit pulp in 1 cup water and drink.
Sore throat: Dilute the pulp with warm water and gargle.
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