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given to the patient in two or three doses during the day. Onions allay thirst and
restlessness and the patient feels better.
Cholera treatment using Bitter Gourd
The fresh juice of bitter gourd is an effective medicine in the early stages of
cholera. Two teaspoons of this juice, mixed with an equal quantity of white onion
juice and a teaspoon of lime juice, should be given twice daily in the treatment of
this condition.
Cholera treatment using Drumstick Leaves
The leaves of the drumstick tree are also useful in this disease. A teaspoon of
fresh leaf juice, mixed with one teaspoon of honey and a glass of tender coconut
water, can be given two or three limes a day as a herbal medicine in the
treatment of cholera.
Cholera treatment using Cucumber
A glass of fresh juice of cucumber leaves with an equal quantity of tender
coconut water, given in doses of 30-60 ml, forms a valuable remedy for
excessive thirst during cholera. It acts excellently by restoring the acid-base
balance in dehydration.
Cholera treatment using Nutmeg
The herb nutmeg is a valuable remedy for dehydration caused by cholera. An
infusion made by steeping half a nutmeg in half a litre of water should be given
along with half a litre of tender coconut water in doses of 15 ml at a time in
treating this condition.
Cholera treatment using Clove
Cloves are useful in cholera. About four grams of this spice should be boiled in
three litres of water until half of the water has evaporated. The decoction thus
prepared should be given to the patient several times during the day. This will
reduce the severe symptoms.
Cholera treatment using Rough Chaff
The powdered root of rough chaff, botanically known as Achyranthes aspera, is
also helpful in cholera. About six grams of the powder should be thoroughly
mixed with half a cup of water and given to the patient once daily.


Cirrhosis of the Liver treatment using Papaya Seeds

The black seeds of papaya have been found beneficial in the treatment of
cirrhosis of the liver, caused by alcoholism and malnutrition. A tablespoon of juice
obtained by grinding the seeds, mixed with ten drops of fresh lime juice, should
be given once or twice daily for about a month as a medicine for this disease.
Cirrhosis of the Liver treatment using Trailing Eclipta
The herb trailing eclipta, botanically known as eclipta alba, has proved invaluable
in cirrhosis of the liver. The juice of all parts of this plant should be taken in doses
of one teaspoon, mixed with one teaspoon of honey, three times daily.
Cirrhosis of the Liver treatment using Picrorhiza

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