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parts for about two weeks. Any existing discomfort will be relieved by this
Treating gout using Cherry
The cherry, sweet or sour, is considered in effective treating gout. To start with,
the patient should consume about fifteen to twenty five cherries a day.
Thereafter, about ten cherries a day will keep the ailment under control. While
fresh cherries are best, canned cherries can also be used occasionally.
Gout treatment using Vegetable Juices
Raw vegetable juices are used for gout treatment. Carrot juice, in combination
with the juices of beet and cucumber, is especially valuable. Beet juice - 100 ml
and cucumber juice - 100 ml should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to make
500 ml of combined juice and taken daily
Treating Gout using French Beans
The juice of French or string beans has also proved effective in treating gout.
About 150 ml of this juice should be taken daily by the patient suffering from this
Cure for Gout using Apple

Apples are regarded as an excellent source for curing gout. The malic acid
contained in them is believed to neutralise the uric acid and afford relief to gout
sufferers. The patient is advised to take one apple after each meal.
Gout relief using Banana
Bananas have been found beneficial in the treatment of gout. A diet of bananas
only for three or four days is advised for providing some relief from gout. A
patient can take eight or nine bananas daily during this period and nothing else.
Treating gout using Lime
Lime is also used as a source in treating gout. Vitamin C is known to prevent and
cure sore joints by strengthening the connective tissues of the body. The citric
acid found in lime is a solvent of the uric acid which is the primary cause of this
disease. The juice of half a lime, squeezed into a glass of water, should be taken
twice daily.

Natural Headache Cure using Lemon
There are several natural remedies for various types or headaches. The juice of
three or four slices of lemon should be squeezed in a cup of tea and taken by the
patient for treating this condition. It gives immediate relief. The crust of lemon,
which is generally thrown away, has been found useful in headaches caused by
heat. Lemon crusts should be pounded into a fine paste in a mortar and applied
as plaster on the forehead. Applying the yellow, freshly pared-off rind of a lemon
to each temple will also give relief.
Cure Headaches naturally using Apple
Apples are valuable in curing all types of headaches. After removing the upper
rind and the inner hard portion of a ripe apple, it should be taken with a little salt
every morning on an empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for
about a week.
Natural Headache remedy using Henna

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