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Rice has a low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-salt content. It makes a perfect diet
for those hypertensive persons who have been advised salt-restricted diets.
Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and
helps relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure.
High Blood Pressure treatment using Potato

Potatoes, specially in boiled form, are a valuable food for lowering blood
pressure. When boiled with their skin, they absorb very little salt. Thus they can
form a useful addition to a salt-free diet recommended for patients with high
blood pressure. Potatoes are rich in potassium but not in sodium salts. The
magnesium present in the vegetable exercises beneficial effects in lowering
blood pressure.
High Blood Pressure treatment using Parsley

Parsley is very useful in high blood pressure. It contains elements, which help
maintain the blood vessels, particularly, the capillaries. It keeps the arterial
system in a healthy condition. It may be taken as a beverage by simmering 20
gm of fresh parsley leaves gently in 250 ml of water for a few minutes. This may
be drunk several times daily.
High Blood Pressure treatment using Rauwolfia
Among the herbs, rauwolfia is the best remedy for high blood pressure. Alkaloids
of this drug, which have a direct effect on hypertension, have been isolated and
are being widely used by practitioners of modem medicine, but they have certain
unpleasant side-effects which the drug, taken in raw form, does not have.
Practitioners of the Indian system of medicine have, therefore, preferred to use
the root of the drug in a powdered from. Half a teaspoon of this drug, taken thrice
a day, is very effective in hypertension.
High Blood Pressure treatment using Vegetable Juice
Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot and spinach juices, taken separately or in
combination, are also beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure. If taken
in combination, 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice should be
mixed to make 500 ml or half a litre of the juice, and taken daily. If taken
separately, one glass should be taken twice daily, morning and evening.

Remedies for Hyperacidity and Heartburn

If you feel acid problem in your stomach then chew some basil leaves. Slowly
suck a small piece of jaggery. Almonds are quite effective in treating heartburn;
chew few almonds when you experience heartburn. A glass of chilled milk is a
quick remedy for hyperacidity and heartburn. Ginger root with honey taken after
meal is effective for treating heartburn

Hysteria treatment using Jambul

The jambul fruit is considered an effective home remedy for hysteria. Three
kilograms of this fruit and a handful of salt should be put in a jug filled with
water.The jug should be kept in the sun for a week. A women suffering from
hysteria should take 300 gm of these fruits on an empty stomach, and drink a

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