True Christianity: The Portable New Century Edition, Volume 1

(singke) #1

136 The third memorable occurrence.From far away I saw five halls. Each
one was surrounded with light from heaven. The first hall was sur-
rounded with crimson light like the light in the clouds just before sunrise
on earth. The second hall was surrounded with a yellow light like the
light of the dawn after the sun has come up. The third hall was sur-
rounded with a bright white light like the light in our world at midday.
The fourth hall was surrounded with a half light as when daylight begins
to mix with evening shadows. The fifth hall stood in the shadow of
evening itself.
These halls in the world of spirits are buildings where educated peo-
ple meet to discuss various deep questions that serve to develop their
knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom.
Once I spotted these halls, a strong desire to go to one of them came
over me. I went in my spirit to the one that was surrounded with a half
light. I entered the hall and saw a group of educated people who had
gathered. They were discussing with each other the implications of the
statement that since being taken up into heaven the Lord sits at the right
hand of God (Mark 16 : 19 ).
[ 2 ] Many of the participants said that it should be taken to mean just
what it says—the Son sits next to the Father. When they were asked why,
some said that the Father placed the Son on his right side because of the
redemption that the Son had brought about. Some said that the Son sits
there because of love. Some said that he sits there because he is the Father’s
adviser and the angels honor him. Others said that he sits there because
the Father had allowed him to rule in his place—the Word says that he
was given all power in heaven and on earth. A large part of the group,
however, said he sits there so that he can hear the people on the right for
whom he intercedes; all people in the church today go to God the Father
and pray that he may have mercy for the sake of his Son; this has the effect
that the Father turns to the Son to receive the Son’s mediation. Some oth-
ers said that it is only the Son of God from eternity who sits to the right of
the Father. He sits there in order to share his divinity with the Son of
Humankind born in the world.
[ 3 ] On hearing these statements, I felt utterly astounded that these
well-educated people were still so ignorant about heaven, even though
they had already spent some time in the spiritual world. I became aware
of the reason, though: because of their confidence in their own intelli-
gence, they had not let themselves be taught by the wise.

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