Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

questions should be "yes." Before going on to the next article, try to decide
which of the two preceding statement forms is "stronger" than the other.

EXAMPLE 3 Examples involving quantifiers can shed further light on the
definition of the conditional connective +. Consider the statement
"every square is a rectangle," where U = the set of all quadrilaterals in
a given plane. This statement is evidently true, and may be symbolized
(Vx)(S(x) -P r(x)), where s(x) represents "x is a square" and r(x)
stands for "x is a rectangle." If (Vx)(s(x) + r(x)) is true, as our in-
tuition dictates, the conditional s(q) + r(q) must be true for every sub-
stitution of a specific quadrilateral q for the variable x. Note, however,
that q,, q2, and 9, are possible substitutions, where:

Name Physical model Description

q, is a square and T
a rectangle

q2 is a rectangle but F
not a square

q3 is neither a
rectangle nor a

Hence if (Vx)(s(x) + r(x)) is a true statement, the truth tabular defini-
tion of s(x) + r(x) must be such that s(q) -P r(q) is true in all preced-
ing cases (which it is!). The fourth case, where s(q) is T and r(q) is F,
cannot occur, since a physical model would have to be a square which
is not a rectangle. The fact that s(q) + r(q) would be false in such a
situation (by the truth tabular definition of +) has no bearing on the

      • -... truth of (Vx)(s(x) + r(x)) precisely because this situation can never occur.


  1. Let U be the set of all problems on a comprehensive list of problems in science.
    Define four predicates over U by:
    p(x): x is a mathematics problem.
    q(x): x is difficult. (according to some well-defined criterion)
    r(x): x is easy. (according to some well-defined criterion)
    s(x): x is unsolvable.

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