Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

remove much of that difficulty. We will now "deliver" on that promise.
In this article, with the introduction to logic completed, we return to the
limit concept with three specific goals: (1) We review and attempt to put
into perspective a number of basic facts about limits (including the defini-
tion and basic properties of continuity) through a number of examples that
illustrate the three basic categories into which every limit problem falls.
(2) We attempt to help you to appreciate the geometric meaning of the
epsilon-delta definition. A major tool in this endeavor is a close analysis
of the logical negation of that definition. Principles of the predicate calcu-
lus, in turn, are indispefisable for formulating that logical negation. (3) We
attempt, by means of the material in this article, to pave the way for the
writing of epsilondelta proofs, a topic pursued further in Article 6.1.

In most elementary calculus classes the emphasis in the treatment of limits
is placed on a "working knowledge" of the concept; given a function y =
f(x) and a point x = a, it is hoped that students can learn to use intuition,
information from the graph of the function, and certain "rules of thumb"
to determine the value of lim,,, f (x). Seldom are students expected, at that
level, to bring the epsilondelta definition of limit explicitly into play in
solving a problem about limits. Before focusing on that definition, let us
review, first, the basic rules of thumb by which students are generally ex-
pected to handle limit problems. This, in turn, is best done by a description
of the three categories of answer to a limit problem, namely:

Type I: lim,,, f (x) exists and equals f (a).
Type II: lirn,,, f(x) exists but does not equal f(a).
Type Ill: lirn,,, f(x) does not exist.

Note that these categories are, in a logical sense, mutually exclusive and

exhaustive; that is, every problem of the form %d lim,,, f(x)" falls into
exactly one of these three types.

Type 1. The easikst situation to deal with (and the situation most com-
monly seen initially in an elementary calculus class) in a limit problem is
u lim,,, f(x) exists and equals the value off at a" If a limit problem is in
this category, we solve it simply by plugging the specific value x = a into
the defining rule for f(x). If lim,,, f(x) = f (a), we say that f is continuous
at a The intuitive interpretation of "wntihuity at a" is that there is no
"hole" in the graph at a, nor is there a "break" in the graph in the "imme-
diate vicinity" of a. We will soon see that this intuitive description, although
useful, oversimplifies and can mislead.
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