Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

Variations of the arguments used in Examples 2 and 3 are needed to
prove that limits do not exist in other cases, as in Example 4.

, EXAMPLE 4 Use an epsilon-delta argument to show that 1 # lim,,, h(x),
1, x rational
where h(x) =

  • 1, x irrational
    Solution Note first from Figure 4.7 that the graph of h consists of parts
    of the two horizontal lines y = 1 and y = - 1, each line, however, having
    infinitely many "missing points." The two pieces of the graph of this
    function near x = 0 have a. gap of 2 separating them. Thus, to prove
    1 # lirn,,, h(x), we may let E = $ (we could in fact choose any specific
    value of E less than or equal to 2), thus determining a horizontal E band
    about the line y = 1, extending from -3 to $, measured along the y
    axis. Let 6 > 0 be arbitrary. Can we find x between -6 and 6 whose
    corresponding f(x) is not between -3 and $? Yes! Simply let x be an
    irrational number between -6 and 6 (Note: It can be proved that there
    is an irrational number between any two reals). Then f(x) = - 1 $
    (-+,$). a

An argument similar to the preceding one can be used to show that
lirn,,, h(x) does not exist and, more generally, that lirn,,, h(x) does not
exist for any real number a.
As indicated earlier, we will not focus on epsilon-delta proofs that L =
lirn,,, f(x) until Article 6.1, but a few words about them now may be ap-
propriate. This type of proof differs from the "negative" epsilon-delta ar-
guments we've seen in Examples 2, 3, and 4 in that we may not specify a

Figure 4.7 Graph pertaining to Example 4.
1, x rational
The function h(x) =
{ - 1, x irrational

/--- cannot really be graphed. Its graph consists
of parts of two parallel lines, each with injinitely
many missing points. Every vertical line x = k
meets either the upper portion (k rational) or
the lower portion (k -irrational), but not both.

x irrational



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