Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

(a) We say that two ordered pairs of objects (a, b) and (y, z) are equal,
denoted (a, b) = (y, z), if and only if a = y and b = z.
(b) Given sets A and B, we say that an object x is an element of the cartesian
product A x B if and only if there exist a E A and b E B such that x = (a, b).

In the following theorems we gather properties of cartesian product,
some of which were listed as exercises earlier in the text, and provide proofs
in selected cases.

Let W, X, Y, and Z be arbitrary sets. Then:
(a) (XuY)xZ=(XxZ)u(YxZ)
(b) (XnY)xZ=(XxZ)n(YxZ)
(c) (X-Y)xZ=(XxZ)-(YXZ)
(d) (WxX)n(YxZ)=(Wn Y) x(XnZ)
(e) (Wx X)u(YxZ)=(Wu Y) x (XuZ)
(f) If WsXand Y=Z,then Wx YsXxZ.
Partial proof All except (f) are statements of set equality and so may be
proved by a mutual inclusion approach. In some cases, such as (a) and
(b), it is possible to write a string of valid biconditional statements (as
in Example 10, Article 4.1). We will take the latter approach to prove (a).
(a) An object a is an element of (X u Y) x Z -
a = (x, z) for some objects x E X u Y and z E Z e
a = (x, z) where either x E X or x E Y, and z E Z o
a = (x, z) where either x E X and z E 2, or x E Y and z E Z -
either a E X x Z or a E Y x Z e>

(c) We will prove that (X x 2) - (Y x 2) G (X - Y) x 2, leaving the
reverse inclusion to you. Suppose a E (X x Z) - (Y x 2). Since a E X x 2,
then a = (x, z) where x E X and z E Z. To show a E (X - Y) x Z, we need
show only that x E X - Y. We proceed indirectly. If x 4 X - Y, then since
x E X, we would have x E X n Y, due to the theorem X = (X n Y) u
(Xn Y')=(Xn Y)u(X- Y),sothatx~Y. Butthenx~Yandz~Zso
that a = (x, z) E Y x 2. But this contradicts the assumption a E (X x 2) -
(Y x 2). 0

Let A, B, and C be arbitrary sets. Then:
(a) Ax@=@xA=@
(6) If A x B = A x C and A # 0, then B = C.
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