Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

  1. (a) (i) Calculate the set of all equivalence relations on the set S = (1, 2, 3,4).
    (ii) Calculate the set of all partitions of S.
    Let S be any finite set and denote by ER the set of all equivalence rela-
    tions on S. Define a relation 5 on ER by the rule E, I E, if and only
    if El G E,, where E and E, are arbitrary elements of ER. (We often
    say that El is stronger than E, in this case.) Show that I is a partial
    ordering on ER and describe the strongest and weakest elements of the
    poset (ER, I).
    Let S be any finite set and denote by PAR the set of all partitions of S.
    Define a relation I on PAR by the rule P1 I P, if and only if every cell
    in PI is a subset of some cell in P,. (We often say PI is a rejinement of
    P, in that case.) Show that I is a partial ordering on PAR and describe
    the smallest and largest elements of the poset (PAR, I).
    Find a relationship between the statements El I E, [from (i)] and
    (S/E ,) I (S/E,) [from (ii)].

  2. Let F be the set of all real-valued functions with domain a subset of R. Define
    a relation I on F by the rule, f I g if and only if dom f G dom g and f(x) I g(x)
    for all x E dom f, where f and g are arbitrary elements of F. (Note: Two functions
    are to be regarded as equal if and only if they have the same domain and the same
    function values over their common domain.)

(a) Prove that I is a partial ordering on F.
(b) Prove that I is not a total ordering on F.
(c) Given functions f, g E F, describe the function h that serves as f v g in the
poset (F, 5 ). Describe f A g.
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