Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

Answers and

Solutions to

Selected Exercises

Article 1.1

1.(b) B={-2) (i)={l,2 (m) M={-5,-1,(1&@)/3).

  1. (4 R (4 [-0, $1 (4 C (n) R.

  2. (a) (i) well defined (ii) not well defined.

  3. (c) - 16, 32, - 64, 128, - 256.

  4. (b) for Z, we may say that there exist real numbers a, b, and c such that
    a E Z, c E Z, and a < c < b, but b 4 Z. The same characterization may be
    used for Q, replacing Z by Q. The statement is clearly true in both cases.

  5. (a) (ii) wj') = (0, {a), {b), {c), {dl, {a, b), {a, c), {a, d), {b, c), {b, d), {c, d),
    {a, b, c), (a, b, d), {a, c, d), {b, c, d), S).

  6. If A E A = {Y (Y q! Y), then, by definition of A, we have A q! A, a contradiction.
    On the other hand, if A 4 A, then, again, by definition of A, it must not be the
    case that A 4 A; that is, A E A, again, a contradiction. The discovery, in 1901,
    of this paradox by the British mathematician and philosopher, Bertrand
    Russell, had devastating effects in the mathematical world and brought about
    essential changes of direction in the developing field of set theory.

Article 1.2

I. (c) A u A' = u (k) A n A = 0 (1) c n c = u.

  1. (b) (d) (A n C)' = (1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7,8, 10) = A' u C' (k) (n) (A u B) n
    C = (9) = (A n C) u (B n C).

  2. (c) (d) (A u C) - (A n C) = (1,2,4,7,8) = A A C. (j) (k) (C - B) n
    (C - A) = {2,4,8) = C - (B u A).

  3. (f) A x (B u C) = {(I, 21, (1,3), (L41, (1,5), (1,6), (Lg), (1,9), (1, 1% (7,2),
    (7,3), (7,4), (7,5), (7,6), (7,Q (7,9), (7, lo), (9,2), (9,3), (9,4), (9,5), (9,6),
    (9,819 (9,9), (9910)).

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