DIVL = last year’s dividends/sales
CAK = increase in net working capital/sales
PK = profits/capital stock
D2sales = two-year change in sales
IK = investment/capital stock
DS = dividends/sales
IS = capital investments/sales
FS = external funds issued/sales
RDS = R&D/sales
The F-statistic shown in Tables 6.1 through 6.21 is an overall statistic re-
garding the goodness of fit of the regression. The Adj R2 denotes the per-
centage of variance in the dependent variable and is associated with the
variances in the independent variables.
In the world of business during the past 30 years, net debt issues
have accounted for about 80 percent to 90 percent of new capital issues.
Here we present the estimation of a simultaneous equations system of
the largest capitalized firms during the 1952–2002 period using the
WRDS database.
The following is a summary of the hypothesized equation system:
DS = F(IS, RDS, CAK, FS, LDIV, PK) (6.2)
IS = F(DS, RDS, FS, CAK, PKL, D2sales) (6.3)
FS = F(IS, RDS, DS, PK, DEP, INTE, DE) (6.4)
RDS = F(LRDS, IS, DS, FS, PK) (6.5)