FINANCE Corporate financial policy and R and D Management

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The Model 145

TABLE 6.13 (Continued)

1980 1981 1982 1983

Variable Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat

Intercept –0.001 –0.81 –0.002 –2.42 0.004 2.48 0 –0.45
RDL 0.996 79.51 1.121 73.17 0.885 88.59 0.938 120.41
Size 0.033 2.86 –0.07 –4.49 0.062 2.67 –0.031 –2.5
PKL 0.005 2.58 0.01 3.25 0.005 1.09 0.012 3.47
IS 0.002 0.33 0.001 0.17 0.016 2.44 –0.006 –1.31
DS –0.014 –1.12 –0.047 –1.66 –0.038 –1.43 0.021 0.71
FS 0 –0.03 0.001 0.11 –0.026 –3.35 0.008 2.06
F-Statistic 1,156.26 919 1,813.05 2,584.59
Adj R2 0.95 0.94 0.97 0.98

1984 1985 1986 1987

Variable Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat

Intercept 0.012 5.53 0.016 5.81 –0.023 –2.72 0.006 1.49
RDL 0.615 80.96 0.448 36.81 0.938 16.45 0.41 20.57
Size –0.018 –0.3 0.036 0.44 2.451 14.46 0.543 4.96
PKL 0 0.52 –0.001 –0.38 –0.027 –1.01 –0.029 –5.4
IS 0.027 1.75 0.083 4.03 0.144 3.12 0.23 8.79
DS –0.083 –0.96 –0.144 –1.47 0.213 2.07 0.171 1.32
FS 0.029 1.31 0.013 1.54 0.048 1.64 –0.114 –6.01
F-Statistic 1,759.43 291.38 170.93 136.78
Adj R2 0.97 0.81 0.71 0.64

1988 1989 1990 1991

Variable Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat

Intercept –0.002 –1.03 0.025 6.88 –0.051 –9.61 0.019 5.41
RDL 0.828 84.18 0.673 56.56 1.361 34.99 0.42 56.79
Size –0.194 –4.06 –0.789 –7.15 2.862 30.45 –0.67 –5.24
PKL 0.022 5.02 –0.028 –2.52 0.121 8.06 –0.018 –1.8
IS 0.031 2.83 0.017 0.93 –0.148 –3.29 0.225 6.45
DS –0.016 –1.09 –0.037 –0.99 0.097 1.49 –0.106 –1.19
FS 0.008 1.22 –0.019 –1.18 –0.161 –6.77 0.004 0.22
F-Statistic 1,489.83 4,526.7 9,392.71 2,502.2
Adj R2 0.95 0.98 0.99 0.96

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