Index of Makers Indexes
The following index includes the names of
makers and artists. Please note that references are
to entry numbers, not page numbers.
Abbiati, Francesco (cabinetmaker; active late
eighteenth century), 324
Andreoli, Maestro Giorgio (ceramic artist; direc
tor of maiolica workshop in Gubbio; late
i470s-circa 1553), 357
Anguier, Guillaume (painter; 1628-1708), 289
Asselin, Charles Eloi (Sevres painter; active
1765-1804), 243
Audran, Claude, III (painter and designer;
1658-1734), 292, 300
Audran, Michel (tapestry weaver; high-warp
weaver at the Gobelins manufactory from 1732;
1701-1771), 300
Auguste, Robert-Joseph (silversmith; maitre 1757;
circa 1723-1805), 193, 305, 307
Avelli, Francesco Xanto (ceramic artist; poet; circa
1486/87-circa 1544), 359
Avisse, Jean (menuisier; maitre1743; 1723-after
1796), 94
Badin (bronze castor; active last quarter of the
eighteenth century), 16
Bailleul, Nicolas, lejeune (engraver; active 1740s),
Bardet (Sevres painter; active 1751-1758), 212
Baudouin, Fran9ois, pere (Sevres gilder; active
1750-1800), 49
Baumhauer, Joseph, I {ιbιniste; ιbιnisteprivilegiι
du Roi circa 1749; died 1772), 13, 29, 44, 64
Bιhagle, Philippe (director of the Beauvais tapes
try manufactory from 1684; 1641-1705), 286
Bιlanger, Fran9ois-Joseph (architect; dessinateur
des menus-plaisirs 1767; 1744-1818), 173
Belin [Belain or Blin] de Fontenay, Jean-Baptiste,
lejeune (painter; 1653-1715), 282, 286, 287, 300
Bellangι, Alexandre-Louis {ιbιniste; 1799-1863), 54
Benneman, Guillaume (ιbιniste; maitre1785;
employed by the Garde-Meuble de h Couronne
1786-1792; died 1811), 16
Beo, Johann Andreas (ιbιniste; dates unknown),
Berchem, Nicolas (painter; 1620-1683), 233
Besnier, Nicolas (silversmith; orfιvre du Roi 1715;
administrator of the Beauvais tapestry manufac
tory 1734-1754), 294-299, 302
Beurdeley, Louis-Auguste-Alfred (furniture maker
and bronze castor; 1808-1882), 274
Biller, Johann Ludwig the Elder (goldsmith and
silversmith; 1656-1732), 402
Blakey, William, II (clock springmaker; before
1714-after 1788), 139
Boels, Pierre (Boulle), (painter; active second half
of the seventeenth century), 289
Boizot, Simon-Louis (sculptor; 1743-1809), 154,
Bono, Etienne-Henry (Sιvres rιpareur; active
1754-1781), 237
Bonnemer, Francois (painter and engraver;
1638-1689), 287
Borde, Louis (cartographer and engraver; graveur
du Roi et des affaires ιtrangιres; active 1730-1740S),
Borman (bronze castor; dates unknown), 267
Bossi, Benigo (engraver and plasterer; 1727-1792),
Bφttger, Johann Friedrich (Meissen alchemist and
designer; 1682-1719), 409-411
Boucault, Jean (menuisier; maitre 1728; circa
1705-1786), 98
Boucher, Francois (painter; designer at the
Beauvais tapestry manufactory from 1734; active
at the Vincennes and Sevres manufactory
1749-1754; artistic director at the Gobelins manu
factory from 1754; 1703-1770), 71, 214, 217, 291,
294-299, 301
Bouillat, Edme-Fran9ois (Sιvres painter;
1739/40-1810), 49, 50
Boulle, Andrι-Charles (ιbιniste; maitre before
1666; ciseleur-doreur-sculpteur du Roi 1672;
1642-1732), 3, 4, 7, 8, 21, 58-61, 63,106,107,127,