Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum

(Jeff_L) #1

Bιthune-Pologne, comtesse de (Antoinette-
Louise-Marie Crozat de Thiers), 90

Beurdeley, Alfred-Emanuel-Louis, 274

Beurdeley, Louis-Auguste-Alfred, 274

Biemann, Fritz, 374, 387, 458

Billarderie, comte de la (Alexandre de Flahaut),

Billy, Monsieur de, 46

Biron, 12th marquis de (Guillaume de Gontaut-
Biron), 146

Black, Bernard, 330

Black-Nadeau, Ltd., 330

Black, David, Sr., 330

Blair, C. Ledyard, 291

Blairman and Sons, H., 310
Block, Sidney, J., 37
Blohm, Otto and Magdalena, 219
Blondeel, Bernard, 287
Blumka, Ruth and Leopold, 370-373, 375,
377-380, 383-385» 389> 422.-444, 447-457/459»
461-467, 481-484, 487, 489
Bode, Wilhelm von, 335
Bolingbroke, 2nd Viscount (Frederick, 3rd
Viscount St. John), 214
Bondy, Oscar, 383, 432, 442, 453, 455, 456, 467
Bonnefoy, Jean-Louis, 189
Bonnefoy-Duplan, 102
Bonnemet, M. d'Eustache, 20

Boore, William, 227
Botham, Miss, 224
Botibol, J. M., 14, 21, 30, 65, 68, 80
Bouchard, citoyen, 279
Bourbon, Louis-Henri, due de (7th prince de
Conde), 199
Bourbon, Louise-Marie-Adιlaνde de, 286
Bourbon, Michael de, 290
Bouvier, 248
Braganca, Archbishop Dom Gaspar de, 190
Branicka, Christine, 35
Branicki, Count Jan Klemens, 35
British Rail Pension Fund, 73,183, 201, 394
Bronιe, Bent Peter, 41o, 411
Brougham, Lords, 21
Brunswick-L٧neberg, Dukes of, 193
Bucher, Alice, 300
Buckingham and Chandos, Dukes of, 58,192
Burat, Mme Louis, 268
Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, Baroness, 10
Burdett-Coutts, Hon. William Bartlett, 10
Burgess, H., 57
Bureau Seraudey, Antoinette (Mme d'Inval), 119
Burns, Major General Sir George, 249, 325
Burns, Mrs. Walter Hayes, 249, 325
Burton-Jones, Hugh, 212
Burton-Jones, Kathleen (Mrs. Gifford-Scott), 212

Caledon, Earl of, 283
Cam House (London), 267
Cambacιrιs, dues de, 54
Cambacιrιs, Ives, comte de, 104, 257
Cameron, 61, 66,164
Camondo, comte de, 289
Camus de la Guibourgιre family, 287
Camus de Pontcarrι family, 287
Capricorn Art International, 400
Carlhian, Andre, 119
Carlhian, Maison, 124
Carlhian, R. and M., 122,124
Carnarvon, Countess of (Almina Wombwell),
74» 75
Carlo Alberto of Savoy, King, 328
Carrington, 2nd Lord (John Robert Smith), 190
Carritt, David, 406
Cartier family, 193
Cartier, Ltd., 193
Cassel van Doom, Baron and Baroness, 48
Castellani, Alessandro, 196, 353, 362
Castiglione, 397
Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 64
Caumont La Force family, de, 90
Cavendish-Bentinck, Miss H., 71
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