Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum

(Jeff_L) #1

Digby, Α. Ε. H., 60

Diño Andia y Talleyrand-Périgord, due de, 146

Dodge, Anna Thomson, 28, 64, 79, 92, 98,100,
101,109,134,139,176,182, 296

Donaldson, 18

Donjeux, Vincent, 18,130

Dorrance, Jr., John Thompson, 286
Dorrance, Sr., John Thompson, 286
Double, Leopold, 100
Doucet, Mme, 122
Douilla, Goupil de, 31
Downs, Joseph, 477
Dragesco, Bernard, 232, 240
Drey, David, 11
Dubois, Antoine-Alexandre, 107
Duché family, 119
Duché, Elisabeth-Louis (wife of Jacques
Bertrand, marquis de Scépeaux et de Beaupreau),
Dudley House (London), 58
Dudley, Earls of, 7, 58, 221, 222, 233
Dumont, 77
Dundas family, 62
Dunimarle Castle (Culross, Fife, Scotland), 468
Dunlap, Mrs. Charles E., 201
Dupuy, Mrs. H., 201, 242
Duras, Emmanuel-Felicité, due de, 32
Durier, Jeanne, 127
Durlacher, 380

Durlacher, George, 22, 358
Duselschon, Mme, 27
Dutasta, Paul, 175
Duvaux, Lazare, 213, 214
Duveen, 49, 255
Duveen and Co., 79
Duveen Brothers, 6, 23, 64, 67, 92, 98,100,109,
119,134,139,176,182, 220, 221, 296, 301, 365

Egmont Palace (Brussels), 478
Eisgrub, Schloss, 449
Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, 64
Ellsworth, Robert, 255
Eist, Violet van der, 7
Ephrussi, Maurice, 138
Erlestoke Mansion (Wiltshire), 53
Ernst Augustus I, Duke of Cumberland and
Brunswick-Liineburg, King of Hanover, 193
Ernst Augustus II, Duke of Cumberland and
Brunswick-Liineburg, 193
Erskine, Magdelene Sharpe, 468
Espirito Santo, Josι and Vera, 10,190
Espirito Santo family, 39
Eumorfopoulos, George, 377
Exbury House (Hampshire), 32, 230
Exeter, 4th Marquess of (Henry George
Brownlow), 130

Fabius Frιres, 479
Fabre, B., et Fils, 3, 46, 61, 66, 81, 88,118,143,171,
180, 264, 288
Fahrbach, Georg, 124
Fane, Lieutenant Colonel Hon. Henry, 62
Farman, Mme Henry, 258
Faucigny-Lucinge, Pierre de, 163
Faucigny-Lucinge, princesse de, 106
Faunce, Maria Sophia (Hon. Mrs. Wilfred
Brougham), 21
Fenston, Felix, 117
Fernando II of Portugal, King, 408
Ferneres, Chateau de (Tarn), 133
Fetherstonehaugh, Sir Harry, 230
Feuchιres, baronne de (Sophie Dawes), 119
Fielden family, 12
Fitzhenry, J. H., 192
Fitzmaurice, Lady Emily, 60
Flahaut de la Billarderie, comte de (Auguste-
Charles-Joseph), 60
Flannery, Thomas E, Jr., 195
Fleury, 97
Fogg, Samuel, 130
Foley, Lord, 7
Fontainebleau, Chateau de, 32, 96,101, 327
Fonthill Abbey (Wiltshire), 18
Fonthill House (Wiltshire), 263, 496
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