Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum

(Jeff_L) #1


Napier, Robert, 243
Narishkine, Prince, 49
Neidhardt Antiquitδten, GmbH, 125
Neues Palais (Potsdam), 479
Neuhaus, Albrecht, 408
Newcastle, 7th Duke of (Henry Pelham
Archibald Douglas), 14
Newcastle-under-Lyme, Dukes of, 14
Niclausse, Juliette, 276
Nicolier, 202
Niewenhuys, 50
Nordbφhmischen Gewerbemuseums, 421
North Mymms Park (Hertfordshire), 249, 325
Northbrook, Florence, Countess of, 212
Northumberland, Dukes of, 475, 490, 491
Northumberland, ist Duke of (Sir Hugh
Smithson), 418
Norton, Martin, 188
Norton Simon Foundation, 6
Nyffeler, Dr. Marcel, 412, 413

Odiot, Maison, 304-308
Ojjeh, Akram, 35
Orleans, Louis-Philippe II, due d', 169
Orleans, Louis-Philippe-Joseph, due d', 169

Orleans, Prince Thibaut d', 361
Orsini Family, 314
Ortiz, Georges, 281
Ortiz-Linares, Mme Jorge, 46, 281
Ossun, marquis d' (Pierre-Paul), 281
Otin, Michel, no

Paget, E. R., 37
Paget, Gerald C, 278
Paillet, 261
Pαlfiy, Palais (Vienna), 397
Palffy, Count Jαnos, 132, 397
Pallott, 471
Parguez-Perdreau, 280
Parpart, Familie von, 421
Partridge, Frank, and Sons, Ltd., 31, 36, 38, 48, 55,
70, 77, 85, 89,155,166, 230, 233, 237, 254, 268,
309, 320, 396, 473
Partridge (Fine Arts) Ltd., 168, 205, 258, 263, 277,
Pasquale, Edward de, 94
Patino, Antenor, 11,158
Paul I, Czar of Russia, 301
Pauls-Eisenbeiss, Dr. and Mrs., 418
Pavlovsk, Palace of (near St. Petersburg), 79,182,
Payne, 404
Peel, David, 112
Pelham-Clinton, Henry, 229

Penthiιvre, due de (Louis-Jean-Marie de
Bourbon), 286
Perman, 22
Perrin, no
Petit Trianon (Versailles), 77,100,102
Phillips, 57
Phillips, Miss A, 205
Phillips, S. J., 189,190, 475
Piantelli, Giovanna Musso, 331
Pichler, Gabriel, 432
Pilkington, 221
Piot, Eugene, 366
Platrier, 106
Pless, Princess of (Mary-Theresa Olivia), 40
Pompadour, Hotel (Paris), 222
Pompadour, marquise de, 184, 222
Pope's Manor (Berkshire), 72,151,190
Porgιs, Jules Paul, 291, 302
Pσrtela, Juan, 398
Portland, Dukes of, 216
Portland, 5th Duke of (William John Cavendish-
Bentinck-Scott), 216
Portugal, royal family, 291
Potocka, Marianna (Szymanowska), 35
Potocki, Count Alfred, 266
Potsdam, Schloss, 398
Powis, Earls of, 16
Powis Castle (Wales), 16
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