Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum

(Jeff_L) #1

Sonnenberg, Benjamin, 352

Sorel, Cιcile, 30

Souza, Guedes de, 31, 48

Spence, William, 366

Spero, Alfred, 343, 344
Spink and Son, Ltd., 492-494, 499
Spitzer, 370
Steinitz, Bernard Baruch, 56, 80, 97, HI, 148,154,
163, 259
Steinitz, Mme Simone, 252
Steinkopff, Edward, 380
Stephens, Mrs. Lyne, 227
Stern, Mrs. Benjamin, 181
Stiebel, Hans, 257
Stirling, Lt. Colonel W. J., 346
Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William (Bt., Κ. T.), 346
Stora, 355, 360
Stowe House (Buckinghamshire), 58
Strauss, Robert, 344, 346, 350, 353, 358, 363
Style, David, 40
Sutch, 22
Sutherland, 2nd Duke of (George Granville
Sutherland-Leveson-Gower), 15
Swinton Settled Estates, Trustees of, 260
Symons, Henry, and Co., 74, 75

Taillepied, Charles-Claude, 96
Talleyrand, due de, 146
Talleyrand, duchesse de (Anna Gould), 4
Talleyrand, Violette de (Mme Gaston Palewski), 4
Talleyrand-Pιrigord, Dino Andia y, due de, 146
Taylor, 370
Taylor, John Edward, 377
Taylor, Michael, 395
Teschen, Dukes of, 300
Thenadey collection, 288
Thomas, J. Rochelle, 229
Thomastown Castle (Ireland), 233
Thorne, Mrs. Landon K., 30, 248
Thugny, Chateau de (Ardennes), 90
Thynne, Thomas (ist Viscount Weymouth),
Toulouse, comte de, and due de Penthiιvre
(Louis de Bourbon), 97
Toulouse, comte de, and due de Penthiιvre
(Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon), 286
Trautmannstorff, Graf von, 467
Trιvise, 5th due de (Edouard Morder), 104
Trevor and Co., 11
Tuileries, Palais des (Paris), 101,142, 397
Tyninghame House (East Lothian, Scotland), 115
Tyttenhanger Park (Hertfordshire), 283

linger, Edmund de, 369
Union Artistique, Paris, 119
Uthemann, Ε Ε, 63
Uzιs, duchesse d\ 286

Vanderbilt, Alice, 53,130
Vanderbilt, Consuelo (Mme Jacques Balsan), 250,
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 53,130
Vanderbilt, Gladys Moore (Countess Laszlo
Szιchιnyi), 53, 130
Vandermeersch, 208
Vandermeersch, Michel, 207, 232
Vandyck, 42
Varenne, La Cour de, 9, 52,165
Vaudreuil, marquis de (Joseph-Fran9ois de Paule),
Vaux-le-Vicomte, Chateau de, 117
Vecht, Α., 426, 439, 455, 484
Vernon House (London), 129
Versailles, Chateau de, 32, 96, 98,100, 237, 243,
278, 397
Vervoordt, Axel, 124, 478, 480
Victoria and Son, Frederick, Inc., no, 470
Vielle Russie, A La, 90
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