- Double Desk
Paris, circa 1750
By Bernard II van Risenburgh
Oak veneered with tulipwood, kingwood,
and amaranth; gilt-bronze mounts
Stamped J ME B. V.R.B. JME underneath
and on interior of carcass. Underside of
carcass bears several red wax seals of the
Duke of Argyll.
Height: 3 ft. 6/2 in. (107.8 cm); Width:
5 ft. 2% in. (158.7 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 9^3 /s in.
(84.7 cm)
Accession number 70 .DA.87
(?) Fran9ois Balthazar Dange, fermier
general, Hotel de Villemare, Place Ven
dóme, Paris, recorded in the inventory
after the death of his wife Anne (née Jarry),
March 27,1772, and also in the inventory
after his own death, March 17,1777 (sold,
September 1,1777, Paris); purchased by his
nephew and heir Louis-Balthazar Dange
de Bagneux {fermier general, IJ39-IJ94),
recorded in the inventory after his death
in 1795; by inheritance to his wife Anne-
Marie Samson and recorded in her inven
tory after death; by descent to her daughter
Marie-Emilie-Fran9oise Dange, married
to Augustin Creuzé, in rue Saint-Honoré
[information: P. Leperlier]; Dukes of Argyll,
Inveraray Castle, Argyll, Scotland, by (?)
the early nineteenth century (sold by Ian,
nth Duke of Argyll, 19 51); Sir Robert Abdy,
Bt., London, 1951; [Rosenberg and Stiebel,
Inc., New York, 1952]; purchased by J. Paul
Getty, 1952.
Paris, Hotel de la Monnaie, Louis XV: Un
Moment de perfection de Van frangais, 1974,
no. 430, pp. 327-328, illus.
Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the
Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty
Museum," Art Quarterly \%, no. 2 (Summer
1955), p. 121, illus. p. 78; Jean Meuvret and
Claude Frégnac, Les Ebénistes du XVIIIe
Steele frangais (Paris, 1963), p. 78, illus.;
Gerald Messadié, "J. Paul Getty, Malibu,
California," Great Private Collections,
Douglas Cooper, ed. (Zurich, 1963),
pp. 180-191, illus. p. 188; Verlet et al.,
Chefs d'oeuvre, pp. 116-117, illus.; Claude
Frégnac, Les Styles frangais (Paris, 1975), pi. 4;
Pierre Verlet, Les Meubles frangais du XVTIIe
Steele (Paris, 1982), p. 27, pi. 3 (detail);
Wilson, Selections, no. 22, pp. 44-45, illus.;