Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
➟ Report offensive, inappropriate, and illegal material
sent via e-mail to your ISP (Internet service
provider).If the content is illegal, you should also
report it to your local law enforcement agency.

➟ Be cautious about meeting online contacts in per-
son. You may know certain people only through
e-mail or contact on a Web site. Just remember that
everything someone tells you about himself and his
motivation for meeting you may be completely true —
or completely false. If you decide to meet someone,
don’t go alone, make sure others know where you’re
going, meet in a very busy, public place, and keep your
cell phone handy.

➟ Consider what you’re saying and sharing in e-mail
and how you’d feel if the information was shared
with someone other than the recipient.Anything
you say in e-mail can be forwarded to others or moni-
tored by employers or other family members.

Avoid typing sensitive information into public comput-
ers such as those found in libraries or Internet cafes.
Sensitive information includes your name, phone num-
bers, account numbers, passwords, and home or e-mail
addresses. These computers may be infected with spy-
ware that records your information and sends it to a
criminal. Never select the feature that automatically
logs you on to e-mail when you start the computer, and
don’t select a Remember My Password option when
using a public computer. If you do so by mistake, use
the Forget My Password option in the login screen for
that account to reverse the action.

Create an E-Mail Account

You can create an e-mail account through a variety of service providers.
These steps take you through creating a Windows Live Hotmail account,

Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk

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