Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
Be cautious about forwarding e-mail messages with
multiple recipients, such as chain letter e-mails. Many
of these are cute, but spammers design them to collect
e-mail addresses. If you really want to forward a mes-
sage that came to you, start a new message and cut
and paste the contents into it. Delete any e-mail
aliases or names mentioned in the body of the

Reply to E-Mails

  1. If you receive an e-mail that you want to reply to, with the
    e-mail message open, click the Replybutton to reply only
    to the sender, or click the Reply Allbutton to reply to the
    sender and every other original recipient of the e-mail —
    except Bcc: recipients.

2.In the resulting new e-mail form (see Figure 5-15), which
is already populated with the sender’s and recipients’
addresses (depending on whether you choose Replyor
Reply Allin Step 1), enter any additional addressees in
the To:, Cc:, or Bcc:fields.

3.The subject line references the original message subject. If
you want to, you can change the text in the Subject line.
Just select it and type the new subject.

Note that for most e-mail programs, attachments that
you receive aren’t included in your reply. That’s
because the original sender and recipients already
have those attachments. If you want to, you can add a
new attachment to your reply before you send the
message in the next step. See the section “Add an
Attachment,” earlier in this chapter, to find out how.

4.Type your message and click the Sendbutton.


Chapter 5: Risk-Free E-Mail
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