Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
Figure 5-16

➟ Review the junk mail folder periodically to make sure
legitimate e-mail hasn’t been placed there. Then
delete the spam e-mails.

➟ Stay up-to-date on spam tactics. (Visit our site at
http://www.ilookbothways.comor sites such as http://www.
snopes.comfor the latest information.) And when
in doubt about the origin or intent of an e-mail,
delete it.

➟ Always have strong anti-spam, anti-virus, and anti-
phishing tools installed on every computer you own,
set these tools to update automatically, and use set-
tings in your e-mail program to block spam. See
Chapter 16 for more about these tools.

Use Spam Filters

Spam filters identify spam and keep it out of your inbox. Most e-mail
programs have built-in filters that route spam to a Junk folder or imme-
diately delete it.

Chapter 5: Risk-Free E-Mail
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