Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
Like everything else, Web cams can also be used in negative ways. They
have all the risk potential that sharing videos has, with lots of rich infor-
mation in the background, and being able to hear and see the person in
front of the lens, but they also allow for real-time interactions, not just
viewing. This can make Web cams particularly concerning if they are
used in conversations with strangers, or between teens in private as the
conversations sometimes degrade into fairly graphic exposure.

Web cams can also be high-jacked and turned on remotely. This allows
others to view and listen in without the individuals’ knowing what is
going on. When you aren’t using your Web cam, consider turning it off,
turning it to face the wall, or disconnect the Web cam if it isn’t a built-
in model.

Teens in particular struggle to use good judgment
when using Web cams. If you have grandchildren or
other children in your care, realize that normal inhibi-
tions seem to fall away when they aren’t physically
present with the person they’re speaking to — and
many expose themselves, figuratively and literally. In
addition to having a conversation about appropriate
Web cam use with children and teens, it may be wise
to limit access to Web cams to specific times or in
places where you have some oversight.

Save Photos and Videos in Different Formats

Photos and video files can be saved in a variety of formats. Unlike
some software that saves files in its proprietary format (such as the
.docor .docxformat for a Microsoft Word document or template
file), most photo and video programs can save files in a variety of stan-
dardized formats, depending on your needs. Here’s a quick rundown of
the strengths of each.


Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk
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