Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
As with any site where users share information (such as social networks
and blogs, covered in Chapter 8, and e-mail, covered in Chapter 5), you
can use these chats, discussions, social journals, and instant messaging
programs safely if you know how to sidestep some abuses, including
data mining for criminal intent, social engineering ploys, ID theft
scams, and so forth. If you’re careful to protect your privacy, you can
enjoy socializing without worry.

In this chapter, we look at some ways of sharing information and we
tell you how to do so safely. But first, you’ll discover how information
placed online accumulates. You aren’t the only one to place it there.

Your Information Is Online, Even If You Aren’t

Many people think that if they aren’t active online, their information
isn’t exposed. But you aren’t the only one sharing your information:

➟ Employers:Many employers share information about
employees. Consider carefully how much information
you’re comfortable with sharing through an employee
bio posted on your company Web site. How much
should be visible to other employees on your
intranet? When you attend a conference, is the
attendee list shown in online conference documents?
And even if you’re retired, there may still be informa-
tion about you on your old employer’s Web site.
Review the site to determine if it reveals more than
you’d like it to — and ask your employer to take
down or alter the information if needed.

➟ Government agencies:Some agencies post personal
information, such as documents concerning your
home purchase and property tax (see Figure 7-1), on
publicly available Web sites. Government agencies
may also post birth, marriage, and death certificates,
and these documents may contain your social security
number, loan number, copies of your signature, and
so on. You should check government records carefully
to see if private information is posted and demand
that it be removed.

Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk
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