Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
Because services get new information from many
sources, you’ll need to check back periodically to see if
your information has again been put online — if it
has, contact the company or go through their removal
process again.

Try entering your home phone number in any
browser’s address line; chances are you’ll get an online
directory listing with your address and phone number
(although this doesn’t work for cell phone numbers).

Understand How Information Is Spread and Collected

Sharing personal information with friends and family enriches your
relationships and helps you build new ones. The key is to avoid sharing
information with the wrong people and shady companies because, just
as in the real world, exposing your personal information online is one
of your biggest risks.

Criminals come in all flavors, but the more savvy ones collect informa-
tion in a very systematic way. Each piece of information is like another
drop of water that, over time, collects to form a very clear picture of
your life. And after criminals collect and organize the information, they
never throw it away because they may be able to use it many times over.

Fortunately, information exposure is a risk you have a great deal of con-
trol over. Before sharing information, make sure that you’re comfort-
able with how the recipient will use each type.

➟ Address and phone number: Abuse of this informa-
tion results in you receiving increased telemarketing
calls and junk mail. Although less common, this
information may also increase a scammer’s ability to
steal your identity and make your home a more inter-
esting target for break-ins.

➟ Names of husband/wife, father, and mother
(including mother’s maiden name), siblings, chil-
dren, and grandchildren: This information is very


Chapter 7: Sharing Your Information with Others..............................

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