Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
➟ Your grandchildren. See Chapter 11 for more about
working with your grandchildren to keep each other
safe online.

Meet Someone Safely Offline

If you decide to meet an online acquaintance offline, follow these

➟ Meet in a safe environment, preferably a public place
during a busy time of day.

➟ Keep the first meeting short.

➟ Make sure somebody knows where you are.

➟ Take a mobile phone with you.

➟ If the person doesn’t look as he or she represented,
walk away.

➟ If you have any problems, report the person to the
social site.

The advice we provide here applies no matter where
on the Internet you meeting someone. If you are
involved in online dating or considering taking the
leap, see Chapter 9 for more specific advice for using
dating services.

Online Quizzes and Surveys

Quizzes and surveys you find online, including those on social net-
working sites, are usually entertaining and may seem like a harmless
pastime. But quiz and survey companies are for-profit businesses.
Because consumer information is a commodity, you should assume
that anything you enter in quizzes and surveys is being sold. Some sites


Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk
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