Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1

Select a Dating Service

Select your online dating service carefully.

➟ Look for an established, popular site with plenty of
members and a philosophy that matches your own.

➟ Review the site’s policy regarding your privacy and its
procedures for screening members. Make sure you’re
comfortable with them.

➟ Use a service that provides an e-mail system that you
use for contacting other members only (sometimes
called private messaging). By using the site’s e-mail
rather than your own e-mail address, you can main-
tain your privacy.

➟ Some sites, such as,
shown in Figure 9-3,offer stronger levels of authenti-
cating members. Safer Dates, for example, uses finger-
print identification and screening to make you more
confident that you know who you’re interacting with.

➟ Visit a site such as
for comparisons of sites. Whether you choose a sen-
ior-specific dating site such as
or a general population site such as PerfectMatch.
com, reading reviews about them ahead of time will
help you make the best choice.

If you try a site and experience an unpleasant incident
involving another member, report it and make sure
the service follows through to enforce its policies. If it
doesn’t, find another service.


Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk
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