In a nutshell, we believe every online consumer has these rights:
➟ You have the right to an informed online experience.
- You should know in advance about any potential
risks in Web programs and services such as
Internet dating services, social networking or blog-
ging sites, or instant messaging programs, so that
you can appropriately respond and make safe
choices. - You have the right to complete information about
every safety feature in a product or service (see
Figure 16-3), and safety recommendations by fea-
ture should be easy to discover. At the bare mini-
mum, you should be able to find safety infor-
mation in the Help section that specifically covers
how to apply every feature. Ideally, however, the
program would give safety advice at key points,
such as when you type in information or before
you post a picture. - When services are upgraded, you have the right to
be informed of new features or changes to exist-
ing features and their impact on your safety. You
should also have a clear way to opt out of any fea-
tures you’re uncomfortable with. For example, if
changes are made to a subscription you’ve paid
for and you want to cancel, you should be able to
get a refund for remaining time.
➟ You have the right to set your own terms for your
online experience (within the constraints of the law).
- You have the right to get content that matches
your values and blocks content you don’t wish to
see, no matter what your age.
Chapter 16: Knowing Your Rights and Making a Difference