Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1

3.Use links on the search results to locate contact informa-
tion for the company.

4.Either call the customer support number provided, or
submit a question via the site support to ask the company
about the message you received.

5.If you determine the site is legitimate and think you’ll
want to return to it, bookmark it. Before you leave the
site, save it as a favorite in your browser so that one click
brings you there anytime. in Internet Explorer, click the
Add to Favoritesbutton and choose Add to Favorites
from the drop-down menu. Discover more about using
the Favorites feature in Chapter 4.

6.Enter a name for the site if you don’t like the one that’s
there and click Add. (See Figure 3-3.)

Figure 3-3

Scams with risky links aren’t only found on your
computer; they can be on other Internet-connected
devices such as your cell phone. Be careful if you
check e-mail from any device that you don’t follow a
link without thinking or respond to a questionable
text message.

Enter a name


Chapter 3: Raise Your Safety Bar Today..............................................

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