Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1

Avoid Risky Default Settings

Many social sites claim in their usage terms the right to use any of the
information you provide in any way they choose. See Figure 3-9which
shows the terms for Facebook for an example.

Figure 3-9

If they own your content and profile and decide to reuse or resell your
information (for example to sell your personal information to an
advertiser or use your granddaughter’s picture for advertising), there
isn’t much you can do about it.

In addition, even if you select the Private setting on a social-networking
site or discussion forum, your profile settings are typically public. When
you sign up for a service and provide the required information, select-
ing the private mode, may not prevent your photo, name, URL, city,
state, and date you last logged in from showing. Check your public pro-
file after you sign up to see what’s exposed. If you’re not comfortable
with the exposure, remove some information, or close your account.
This information can be used to help ID thieves, cyberbullies, scammers
who pretend to share your interests and other criminals.


Part I: The Foundation of Using the Internet Safely

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