TopGear - August 2015 PH

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


irst off, I am not fluent in British

idioms and slang. But to go

along with this month’s theme,

perhaps we can have some fun

with the mother tongue from

the mother country herself.

So, here goes: What would the Brits say

about Congress and Uber?

To be honest, people should now be

‘knackered’ by this tempest in a teapot that is

the Uber controversy. That is, as defined by the

‘John Thomases’ in the DOTC and the ‘knobs’

in the LTFRB, those online-enabled transport

services, aka Transportation Network

Companies (TNCs) and Transportation

Network Vehicle Services (TNVS).

Just when the LTFRB issued memorandum

circulars to make the operations of Uber,

GrabTaxi and Easy Taxi legal, here are some

‘twig and berries’ in Congress calling for a

suspension in the implementation of the

circulars while they ‘have a butchers’ at it. Many

people on social media got all ‘barmy’ over the

actions of these ‘blinkered’ twits. They say it

would be the ‘dog’s bollocks’ if some members

of Congress would be treated ‘at Her Majesty’s

pleasure’ and get ‘buggered’ there.

To be sure, with elections next year, the

timing of the House inquiries makes one

conjecture that perhaps some of our elected

‘ponces’ in Congress have gotten ‘bungs’ from

those opposed to TNCs or looking to get offered

the same to espouse the cause of some TNVS.

They should be kicked in the ‘goolies.’

Who else needs their ‘bollocks’ stomped on?

Those ‘wankers’ at the LTO who thought up the

‘no registration, no travel policy.’ Did they think

people are a bit of a ‘mug’ to believe that ‘porkie’

that they have enough license plates for all

cars newly registered? They are ‘flogging’ some

‘biggie’ when accusing car dealers of causing

the ‘cock-up’ in the delay with the issuance of

license plates.

‘Cheeky’ members of social media have been

posting stuff saying all that’s ‘ace’ about the

newfangled license plates is really ‘codswallop.’

Like the tamper-proof screws that don’t fit

some vehicles, the plates that bend in one slog

through flood, the unreadable barcodes. Are we

all being ‘diddled’ by the LTO and its license-

plate contractor?

‘Aye’ and ‘absobloodylutely.’

Traffic in Metro Manila is all ‘shambolic,’

and all because the government is all ‘sixes and

sevens.’ And some of it is because of DPWH

contractors who are good at ‘skiving.’ They

get contracts not through proper bids, but by

‘seeing a man about a dog.’

Then there are the MMDA constables who

are either ‘gormless’ or ‘shirty.’ The former are

harmless but not helpful, either; the latter will

extort you while being arrogant about it. Some

people get ‘collywobbles’ driving in Makati

because of shirty constables out to ‘wangle’ a

‘bung.’ The best way to face off is to not be a

‘nancy’ boy and to be shirty yourself.

Now, we all know that if you fancy some

‘strawberry creams’ and ‘fanny,’ it helps if you

have nice ‘fit’ automobile. Doesn’t really work

all the time, but it’s great if you’re feeling ‘fruity.’

But be advised not go out on ‘benders’ to ‘pull’

the girls. For one, drinking and driving don’t

mix. And now it goes against the law of the land.

And it’s dangerous.

Authorities seem not to find implementing

that ‘bee’s knees’ of a piece of legislation a

‘doddle,’ maybe because they are either just

forever ‘dropping a clanger’ or making a ‘dog’s

dinner’ of it. No budget for the equipment

necessary to get ‘shit-faced’ drivers off the

streets. But many suspect that someone,

somewhere, is messing up the work just to get

a bung. And these people should be made to do

some ‘porridge.’

It’s not quite ‘hunky-dory’ in the land where

people drive on the wrong side of the road, a

Brit would say. And where authorities seem to

love to ‘waffle,’ motorists love to ‘whinge’ about

authorities just waffling and looking for bungs,

and all the while being ‘duffers’ on the road. And

that’s just ‘wonky.’

(TRANSLATION: knackered – tired; John

Thomas – penis; knob – see John Thomas;

twig and berries – see knob; had a butchers

  • looked at something or someone; barmy

  • crazy; blinkered – narrow-minded; dog’s

bollocks – really fantastic; at Her Majesty’s

pleasure – to be put in prison; ponce – poser;

goolies – balls; bollocks – see goolies; wanker

  • jerk or someone who masturbates; mug –

someone gullible; porkie – lie; flogging – selling

something; biggie – big piece of shit; cock-up

  • mistake; cheeky – smart-ass; ace – awesome;

codswallop – baloney; diddle – rip someone off;

absobloodylutely – yes; shambolic – chaotic;

sixes and sevens – mess; skiving – evading

something; see a man about a dog – do a deal

or take a dump; gormless – clueless; shirty

  • bad-tempered; collywobbles – extreme

queasiness or stomach pain brought on by

stress, nervousness or anxiety; wangle – to get

something by cleverness or deceit; bung – bribe;

nancy – opposite of hard; strawberry creams –

women’s breasts; fanny – vagina; fit – good-

looking; fruity – feeling frisky; bender – heavy

drinking session; pull – look for women; bee’s

knees – fabulous; doddle – sure thing; drop a

clanger – make a mistake; dog’s dinner – mess;

shit-faced – drunk; porridge – do time in prison;

hunky-dory – cool; waffle – talk on and on;

whinge – whine; duffer – useless person; wonky

  • unstable. Sources:;

ErlE SEbaStian

The BriT way

we wonder what the brits would

say if they experience the chaotic

motoring life in the philippines



‘who eLse needs

Their BoLLoCks

sTomped on? Those

wankers aT The LTo’

38 top gear philippines

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