TopGear - August 2015 PH

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


went to see Jane Root to tell her we didn’t want a

girl. She looked at us and said: “Fine, do what you

think is best. I’m not fussed either way.”

With Gendergate sorted, we thought we were

free to finalize the lineup, but the BBC Med-

dling Department wasn’t finished. Jeremy was

campaigning for James, but we were told a trio of

Jeremy, James and Richard was too “middle-class

public-schoolish type blokes of a similar age.”

“And?” we replied. “Well, it’s all a bit cheese

and cheese, as opposed to chalk and cheese,”

came the response. After much cheese-related

arguing, we lost, and cheesy James was kicked in

favor of chalky Jason Dawe, who I recall was fairly

middle-class and of a similar age.

Still, our lineup problems were not over. We

still needed a real ace driver, with a racing back-

ground, and Tiff Needell was not an option be-

cause the BBC wanted a new-look Top Gear. And

if we had a racing driver, he would, like Tiff, have

to present films, but (a) there weren’t enough

films in the hour to go round, and (b) racing

drivers aren’t known for their camera charisma.

One evening, I was trying all sorts of presenter

permutations on our massive whiteboard when

Jeremy rocked up. “You know what, I can now

actually do the slidey tail-out driving like Tiff did

on old Top Gear,” he said. “But what I can’t do are

the precise laps we need to get the lap times for

the board. We still need a racing driver for that.”

“Yeah, who then needs to be able to speak,

and we’re back where we started,” I replied.

Then Jeremy’s light bulb lit up: “Hang on, why

does he need to speak? He could just be a bloke,

in a suit and helmet, and he does the lap times

and he never speaks. And we never even have to

see him, or know who he is! He’ll be like a thing

on the show! He could be like The Gimp in Pulp

Fiction—we could call him The Gimp!”

Thus, The Gimp was born. All we needed was

a racing driver to fill the role, preferably someone

who was discreet, a shrinking violet who didn’t

like to talk too much, and so we chose Perry Mc-

Carthy, the only man whose mouth works faster

than most of the cars he’s driven. Perry also told

us where we could stick our notion of calling him

The Gimp, so we settled on The Stig.






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