Better Available Light Digital Photography : How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-light Shots

(Frankie) #1

98 Better Available Light Digital Photography

Just because a camera offers a
Tungsten setting doesn’t mean you
can’t use it outdoors. This por-
trait of Mina was made outside
on a movie set in Phoenix. The
camera was in Incandescent mode,
which accounts for the extra blue-
ness of the sky and background,
but an orange (85A) Rosco gel
was placed over the Canon 420EX
fl ash to keep the subject color
correct. This technique takes some
practice and success ultimately
depends on the fl ash’s power
output and how “correct” the gel
is to get a specifi c effect. © 2005
Joe Farace.

This is a photograph of a wall near
the lobby of the Hotel Emporio
Continental Acapulco in Acapulco,
Mexico. On one side of this wall,
the lighting was blue; on the other
side, it was incandescent. The only
way to capture what I saw was to
shoot in Auto White Balance
mode. Exposure with a Canon
EOS 5D was 1/40 sec at f5/6 at
ISO 400. © 2006 Joe Farace.

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