Better Available Light Digital Photography : How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-light Shots

(Frankie) #1

xii Introduction

that we used. The photo gear that we use is based on our prefer-
ences, so vive la différence and use whatever brand of equipment
you prefer.

It’s all about the photographs

After reading a few pages, it will quickly become apparent that
this is a different kind of photography book from any you have
read before. Sure, we include the kind of photographic tips,
tools, and techniques that enable you to create better available
light images, but there is much more. For example, almost all
of the images you will see were made on assignment for com-
mercial clients, magazines, and newspapers. Although a few
were made for our personal use, most were captured under the
real-life demands of deadlines and clients in a hurry to get their
What we have tried to do in these pages is take you behind the
scenes at this kind of assignment—to “walk a mile in our moc-
casins,” if you will, to see what it is like to create images under
demanding lighting conditions. The point to all of these inside
stories is to let you know that all photographic situations—
especially those occurring in low-light conditions—are unique.
Showing you how we solved some of these problems, often with
little time to think about anything but how to get the shot quickly,
gives you the benefi t of our experience standing in wet boots
with cold fi ngers, and sometimes runny noses, to get the emotion-
packed shot.
This book is about the adventure of photography. It is about
being passionate in creating images that refl ect your view of the
world, not the re-creation of someone else’s ideas. Our challenge
to you is that you, too, will sometimes have to brave the elements
to produce great images. Are you ready to take your camera out
of its case in the rain and snow to get up in the middle of the
night to prepare for the sunrise? Will you miss dinner for a
beautiful sunset? Would you sacrifi ce a good night’s sleep for a
shot in the dark? Are you ready to try handholding your camera
for an exposure of 1/8 or 1/4 of a second? Will you shiver with
us on a cold winter’s night? Are you willing to capture images
when your in-camera meter or LCD screen screams “Underex-
posed”? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then this
book is for you. In the pages that follow, we will guide you
through the all of the steps necessary to produce some of the
most exciting images you’ve ever taken in your life.

What’s new

The biggest difference between this version and the previous
one is that this will be all digital. Did we mention the instant
gratifi cation that’s now possible? Therefore, the new edition
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