Better Available Light Digital Photography : How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-light Shots

(Frankie) #1

220 Index

Metadata, 199
Metafi le, 211
Mixed lighting
RAW capture, 191
white balance
indoors, 85
outdoors, 92
Modulation transfer function (MTF), 211
Moiré, 211
Monochrome mode, 102–108
Monopod, 151–154
Mortensen, William, 29
Moulin Rouge!, 24–26
MTF, see Modulation transfer function
Multizone metering, 211

Nano, 211
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), 8
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC),
ND fi lter, see Neutral density fi lter
Neat Image, noise reduction, 67–68
Neutral density (ND) fi lter, 211
NMOS, 63
NOAA, see National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Noise, see Digital noise
Noise Autofi x, noise reduction, 71–72
Noise Ninja, noise reduction, 66
Noise Reduction Pro, noise reduction,
Noiseware, noise reduction, 64–65
NTSC, see National Television Standards

Olympus E-3, 131
Overexposure, 31, 37

Painting with light, technique, 19–21
Panorama = Q, 155
Panorama = Q PRO, 155–157
heads, 155–159
software, 158
PCX, 211
PDF, 211
Pentax K100D, 130–131
Philadelphia Story, 22
Photo CD, 211–212
Photomatix Pro, high dynamic range image
creation, 49–50
Photomultiplier tube (PMT), 212

Actions palette, 74–77
exposure correction, 33
high dynamic range image creation, 47–49
noise reduction, 63–64, 74–77
panorama shots, 158
plug-ins, 63–64
RAW image manipulation, 185–187, 202
PICT, 212
Picture CD, 212
Piezoelectric, 212
Pixel, 212
Pixels per inch (PPI), 212
PMOS, 63
PMT, see Photomultiplier tube
PNG, 212
Pod, 154
PostScript, 212
PPI, see Pixels per inch
Prime lens, 114
Pro 780 DX tripod, 143
Profi le, 212

Rain, photography tips in, 7
Rainbow, 12
RAM, see Random access memory
Random access memory (RAM), 213
Random noise, 62
Raster image processor (RIP), 213
RAW images
advantages and disadvantages, 189
characteristics, 183
distribution, 198–199
fi le extensions, 186
comparison, 183, 188–191
decision factors, 186, 188–189
organization, 196–198
software, 185–187, 192–194, 202
workfl ow, 195–196
rationale, 181–183, 190–191
size, 184–185
RAW Thumbnail Viewer, 192
Read-only memory (ROM), 213
Reception, wedding photography, 176, 178–180
Reciprocity failure, 59
Refl ected light, 37–38
Renting, equipment, 122
Resolution, 213
color space, 95
defi nition, 213
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