Better Available Light Digital Photography : How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-light Shots

(Frankie) #1

222 Index

Wedding photography
bride preparation, 173
cake table, 168
camera and software advances, 169–170
family and group photos, 174
gear, 172
groom and groomsmen, 173
guest photography, 165–166
kiss, 164
mirror refl ections, 173
reception, 176, 178–180
respect, 168–169
storytelling, 170–175
traditional posed photographs, 161–165
Weston, Brett, 137
White balance, see also Color temperature
adjustment, 84, 86
Auto White Balance
cloudy, 89, 97
daylight, 87, 97
fl ash, 92–93, 99
fl uorescent light, 90
guidelines, 97, 99
overview, 86–87
shade, 88–89
tests, 96–97

tungsten light, 91–92, 97–98
black and white photography, fi lters, and toning
effects, 102–108
in-camera color correction, 4
low-light conditions, 99
manual color correction, 94–95
mixed lighting
indoors, 85
outdoors, 92
WMF, 215
Worm, 215
WORM, see Write once read many
Write once read many (WORM), 215

Xaos Tools, 215

color space, 14–15
defi nition, 216

ZFP, 216
Zip drive, 216
Zone System, 45
Zoom, 216
Zoom lens, 116
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