Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

For three months I had been sitting in that office

I was running a negative feedback loop about
myself. I was sitting there waiting for the phone to
ring and all I kept thinking about was my crashes, all
the money I had lost, all the people who had ripped
me off, all the possessions I had lost, all the people
who I thought had wronged me. Of course when the
phone went, I was in the' negative mode', all I could
possibly do was put out more of the same. I had put a
perfect negative feedback loop into my biocomputer
and of course the output had to match.

As soon as I realized what I had done, I made up
a list of all the things that I felt good about. I listed
down the deals that I had made in the past, I listed
down all the properties that I had successfully
purchased and sold. I listed down each deal that I had
closed. I listed down all my successes. There were
many of them. I listed down all my friends. I then
went about making up a film in my biocomputer
about all these successes. I made up a complete film in
my imagination and I played it over and over again.
All the time I was sitting in the chair waiting for the
phone to ring, I ran my positive film of my past
successes. I did my mail shots and continued with my
classified advertising campaign. The phone would go.
"Send me over a hundred widgets you're advertising
in to days paper!" I'd reply, "Certainly sir, I'll get those
off to you today, but I would like to say one thing.
We're wholesalers and I'd like the opportunity to get
together with you over coffee so I can explain our
complete product line to you, how about Friday

I never failed to make an appointment and I
started to make serious money as a wholesaler. I put
down the phone and the next customer would phone

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