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(nextflipdebug5) #1

on the tape. Here you visualize six things that you
feel were your greatest successes, relive them every

Imagine vividly the day you passed your driving
test. See how happy you were. Vividly imagine the
day you got married. Actually see yourself when you
won your first sports trophy. Or perhaps you can
visualize the six best sales that you made. Or visualize
the six most lucrative deals that you have closed. You
must vividly imagine the successes from the past as
though it were happening right now.

Don't forget that most people play their failures
over and over again and get more of the same. Their
biocomputer programs keep them there, at failure
level! Input equals output!

Last but not least, at the end of this tape, you must
take great pains to actually snap yourself out of the
state of 'ultra-consciousness.' You do that by raising
your voice and saying, "On the count of four I'm
going to snap right out of this state and I'm going to
come round. One, two, three, four!" Make sure you
shake your head and feel lively and alert. The most
important point is for you to realize that you have
been in an altered state of consciousness and that you
must snap yourself out of it. The state of conscious-
ness that you will have been in will not be the one that
is conducive to everyday living. (Not unless you
intend getting a saffron robe and start working the
Los Angeles Airport!)

The tape that you have just made up should be
listened to every single day, once in the morning and
once in the evening when your batteries are fully
charged. Because of the amount of energy required to
make mental images it is a waste of time trying to do
so unless your energy level is high.

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