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(nextflipdebug5) #1

before, I was definitely confused. What I was really
doing was closing my eyes and relaxing and talking
about the future in words. Now I know the difference.
You really do have to create pictures, but you have to
be told.'

USA: Ted, ,"I used to think human beings were left
brain dominant that's why they were so intelligent. I
now see the error of my ways. If we want to attain our
goals we must see them in pictures. That's where the
teleological aspect comes into play."

USA: Isabelle, "I can see that by creating pictures,
you can see something that would take ten million
words to describe."

USA: Nancy, "By using this method of pro-
gramming I have actually been able to pinpoint my
self-destruct mechanism. I always thought I was self-
destructing because I thought other people would be
jealous of my success. I always thought I was self-
destructing because I thought I'd leave my friends
behind and not have any. The real reason why I self
destruct every time is because I could not see myself
as a success or living in luxury. Now I can! I think you
have to be very careful about what other people say
about their programs because they mayor may not
apply to you. It's very easy to say 'Wow! yes, that's
why I self-destruct' and really it isn't. Do you know
what I mean?"

USA: Paul, "The inner projection gives you the
outer reality!"


  1. Reprogramming the right computer is a major
    aspect of the complete philosophy, because it has
    been the most overlooked and for most people is
    the hardest to do.

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