Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

MENU TWO: Obviously you will put your own goals
on the tape but it will sound something like this:

I have completely overcome my resistance to
working on computers. I practice every day and with
practice my skill improves. Nothing disturbs me and
I learn from my mistakes. I earn over twenty-five
thousand dollars a year from my first word
processing job and I am developing my skills
beyond that level.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for: Will you go on to learn other skills other than
word processing? Will you ever earn more than twenty-five
thousand a year?

I have my weight problem completely under control. I
control my food shopping habits and I am directed to
buy only food conducive to my health and diet. Even
when food is free, I am able to say "Noll very easily. I
only place half the amount of food on my plate that I
normally eat and I have lost the desire to keep eating.
I understand my desire to keep eating is tied to my
emotions. Everyday I listen to my emotions tape. I am
driven every day to look at my self honestly with
regards to my eating habits and I write down ideas as
they come to me. I know that if I cheat, I am only
cheating myself. I have lost the desire to eat. Once I
have lost weight I keep it off. I 'see' myself being the
right weight twice a day with my RAS deactivated.
Repeat three times.
Mission Accomplished/Self-Destruct Signals to
look out for:

Every day I get more enthusiastic about selling
insurance. My enthusiasm comes across in my voice

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