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(nextflipdebug5) #1

read them out aloud every night and every morning.
Nothing ever happened that convinced me it was
working. By using this method, it is obvious to me that
I will create proper programs in my biocomputer."

Australia: Zack, "I have had a very close look at
my programs that I have been running on. At parties I
have always ended up with the first woman that
would talk to me. I have always ended up with the
first women that would make love to me. That has
been my program and I have run on it constantly for
years. I'd never thought about it before but I was
being driven biologically. I was never happy in any
aspects of these relationships. Now I realize I can say
'No' and choose to be with whoever I want."

England: Sally, "For years I've been very confused.
I always thought I was accomplishing my goals, but
I've always been unhappy and dissatisfied. I've only
just come to terms with the fact that I have
accomplished all the things that I had set in my
biocomputer but not a single one of those things was
what I really wanted. Does that make sense?"

USA: Kevin, "I set many goals for all the things
that I wanted. A guitar, some airline tickets to Aruba,
a new Datsun Turbo, some new clothes, there was
quite a lot more. Basically my program was to get me
these things regardless. Within a very short space of
time I had all of them. I found various ways of getting
all those things on credit or with various loans. For a
time I was very happy with my purchases, then the
bills started to come in and the pressure was
unbearable. I lost everything and as Ron says, I
slipped down a snake. I now know that with careful
programming it doesn't have to be like that at all. I
can and I will get everything I want, paid for in cash
by putting the correct program into the biocomputer.
In actual fact, now I come to think of it, I actually used

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