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(nextflipdebug5) #1

many people who love horse riding. I have turned a
great number of people onto two of my great
passions, gardening and walking in the country. I also
love driving fast. On very long motorcycle rides I get
some fantastic output from my biocomputer. If you
have ever read Robert Pursig's, Zen in the Art of
Motorcycle Maintenance, you will realize that he did
the same thing and some of his biocomputer output
was pure genius.

One of my partners loves watching TV and
videos at four or five in the morning, when his house
is very quiet and he knows he won't be disturbed. He
just spaces out and glazes over as the video plays. He
finds that it relaxes him enough to start getting the
output from his biocomputer. (At about six in the
morning he usually phones me up and leaves
messages on my answering machine about all the
ideas he's had, so I know it works for him!)

More than anything, I'm glad that you've taken it
on board, that high performance human behavior
demands high levels of relaxation. Now it's up to you
to take time out doing something that is pleasurable
and relaxing to you. It is imperative to relax! The
biocomputer demands it!

You mentioned that we use the wrong computer for
the job. Would you care to expand on that?
Seeing as you put it so elegantly, yes! All auditory
tasks should be carried out while you are firing on
the left computer (words, sounds, auditory, left com-
puter). Things like piano tuning, telephone sales, any
selling in fact, seminars. However, when you want to
be creative you should switch onto the right
computer ( visual, pictures, creativity, visualization)
If you are trying to design something, or trying to
understand how your auto engine works or your

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