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(nextflipdebug5) #1

cashing in a million dollars worth of chips. Put that in
your biocomputer. Next!

I am very shy and would like a more outgoing
personality. According to 'Talk and Grow Rich', I'm a
wallflower, not a sunflower. I'd like to be a
sunflower. What's the program?
'I meet people with ease and confidence. People
enjoy what I have to say because I talk in a
conversational manner, not about myself so much, but
about the people I meet. Beautiful people often have
troubles communicating with others and many times
they are very pleased that I have made the effort to
talk to them.'

Of course when you are visualizing this scenario,
actually 'see' the smile on your own face and the smile
on the person's face that you are talking to. People
love to see a smile. Smiling is the language of breaking
down barriers!

I am already intuitively practising a lot of what you
are telling us. However, I know I keep stopping for
long periods of time. What's the secret?
To be successful you have to keep on keeping on.
Many people take their foot off the accelerator far too
prematurely. What you should do is program into
your biocomputer the diligence program.

'I work really hard towards my goals. I don't keep
stopping and starting. I just keep on going even under
adverse conditions should they arise. I work consistently
and persistently. I do not take my foot off the accelerator
until the deal is closed or the task is complete. When I
succeed, I celebrate!' I hope that helps you!

I can very easily see how the biocomputer can
operate as a computer, solve problems, come up with

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