Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

talking about people like Edison and Einstein and
Margaret Thatcher! I have heard it said that in Russia
they have programs and experiments going on
whereby they teach children from an early age about
twenty different languages; how to dance, sing, play
the piano, as well as mathematics, computer skills and
just about every other program you can think of, with
no ill effect or side effects and no visible signs of using
up the capacity in the biocomputer.

Quite honestly I don't think they have even started
to scratch the surface yet. So keep programming for
everything you specifically want. Do it now!

Does Emile Coue's formula still work?
I think you must be talking about, 'Every day in
every way I get better and better.' It certainly does
work and the sooner you get it down on tape and start
inserting the program, the sooner it will work for you
too. While you're at it, add another. 'I 'see' it, I am it: I
'see' it, I own it: I 'see' it , I do it,' I used to love playing
around with lots of different programs, in actual fact I
still do.

Can I use a Sony Walkman to listen to my goals on?
You mean you aren't already?

Can other people hold me back in my quest for
Yes, not only they can, they do. I love the story of
the Mexican crabs. In Mexico, in the market place,
there are huge baskets of crabs, to be seen everywhere.
None of the crabs ever escape, despite the fact the
baskets don't have lids. The reason why is simple.
Every time one of the crabs gets nearly to the top of the
basket and starts to look around, his friends hang onto
his legs and pull him back down again. People have

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