Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

my actions. I tell no one of my plans unless they are
actually helping me on a project. I tell them only on a
need to know basis. I realize I have been dispensing
my valuable energy and now I keep my lips sealed
and start putting more energy into action and less into

If I go out to the bathroom, will you promise to stop
talking until I get back? I don't want to miss a single
"Yes, I think we'll. break for coffee now anyway!
Anyone want books, tapes or videos see Anita, Jody or
Karen at the back."

During coffee breaks I always encourage people to
talk to each other. As the day progresses I get them to
talk to others they haven't spoken to before. I do
everything I can to stimulate discussion between
people who would not normally talk to each other.
Many times, after coffee breaks, the atmosphere in the
room is relaxed and the ideas start to flow again.

It is very important to realize that people learn
from each other's questions. Many times one is too
embarrassed to put their hand up and ask a question
(Bad program) but someone else in the room broaches
the subject. Many times questions have a habit of
stimulating more questions about the same subject or
spinning us all off on another tangent.

During the coffee breaks a lot of people confide in
me, they ask all sorts of questions. Many times I am
told how the questions and answers period has gelled
it for many people. I find the questions always are
very different from seminar to seminar but at the end
of the day they always come back down to one thing,
how can we make our biocomputers more and more
effective and efficient, how can we reach our goals
quicker and quicker?

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