Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

Page | 15

  1. Drawing R equirements
    a) General
    i. All drawing sheets and schedule, however incomplete, should be included in the drawing set submitted at
    the end of design development.
    ii. All sheets should contain t he official project title, p roject number, d rawing revision date, scale
    information and indicate drawing orientation.
    iii. Provide s ymbol legend and abbreviation list for all disciplines.
    iv. All architectural, mechanical and el ectrical sheets shall indicate their respective r equirements f or
    construction phasing, temporary HVAC & power requirements, I nfection Control and I nterim Life Safety
    Measur es.
    v. All areas shall be numbered with the Owner assigned room numbers, see Section 3.1 UIHC Room
    Numbering for details. Room numbers should be used consistently on al l d rawings a nd schedules.
    vi. Updated demolition plans showing t he e xisting area and clearly differentiating between existing and new
    work. Indicate a ny salvaged materials, items t o be saved and re-installed, restricted hours for
    noisy/disruptive work a nd debris removal, required fire watch, special signage or pedestrian traffic
    rerouting and any other special i nfection control requirements f or the demolition p hase.
    b) Architecture drawings shall include:
    i. Updated life safety plan should include egress travel d istances, a rea calculations - al lowable and actual
    areas, exit widths - required and actual exiting.
    ii. Updated project location map, should include de bris removal r oute, dumps ter l ocation, debris c hu te
    iii. Updated floor plans should include key dimensions, corridor widt h dimensions, column lines and labels,
    locations of all partitions, doors and door swing, windows, plumbing fixtures, millwork, equipment ,
    lockers, pneumatic t ube s tations, fire extinguisher cabinets and mechanical chases. Update special
    conditions such as shielding, isolation rooms, l aser equipment r ooms, clean rooms a nd automatic doors.
    Rooms should be labeled with name and numbe r a nd includ e as-drawn square f ootage information.
    iv. Updated roof plans, which are to include all perimeters, roof penetrations, primary and overflow drainage
    devices, walkways, equipment, access points, valley and ridge lines, slopes, tapered insulation, and roof
    attachment enhancement zones at perimeter and corner areas. Detail drawings shall be provided showing
    the roof assembly cross section(s), attachment details, and flashing details at all perimeters and at major
    v. Equipment: update floor plans and schedules. Floor plan should show the location and represent the actual
    size. The equipment schedule should indicate equipment type, make, model, room number, dimensions
    and required utility connections and capacities for both new and existing equipment. Indicate Owner
    furnished items and contractor furnished items and installation assignments (OFCI, CFCI, etc.).
    Coordinate equipment locations and utility connection information with all disciplines.
    vi. Updated furniture layout, include selected vendor’s furniture layout. Coordinate with power, lighting, and
    communication drawings.
    vii. Include preliminary manufacturer site specific drawings (reference only) for major Owner furnished
    equipment like imaging equipment, hydrotherapy pools, operating room equipment, etc.
    viii. Identify any areas that will need extraordinary floor preparation including expansion join preparation,
    self-leveling compound, grinding for floor drain slop, bead blasting and skim coating.
    ix. Interior elevations for typical areas and unique situations should include furniture, fixtures, millwork,
    computers, plumbing fixtures, electrical outlets, nurse call, medical gas outlets and all new and existing
    Contractor and Owner furnished equipment.

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