Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

Page | 28

Plywood shall be used for base flashings substrates at perimeter walls in lieu of gypsum sheathing wherever
allowed by the building code. Use treated plywood. Fastening shall be with FM Global approved screws (not nails) 18" x
18" o.c. grid pattern maximum, or 6" o.c. along all framing members.

06 20 00 Finish Carpe nt ry

  1. Casework surfaces: Wood casework shall be used only with Owner approval. Plastic laminate casework shall be
    used in most areas.

  2. Faces of millwork cabinets shall not be produced with ridges to make them more cleanable.

  3. Casework panels shall adhere to AWI Architectural Woodwork Standards at a level no higher than Custom.

  4. Panels at integrated glove dispensers shall be a thermofoil finish.

  5. Wood casework shall not c ontain knots.

  6. Plastic la minates: Shall meet A WI Standards.

  7. Either pressure t reated solid l umber or sold surface materials shall be used f or casework bases i nstead of water
    wicking or permeable materials.

  8. Provide ¼” high nylon glides under the b ase of si nk vanities to create a gap to pr event water wicking.

  9. Casewor k hardware
    a) Hinges: Hafele 327.21.500 or approved EQUIV concealed hinge where doors are against walls, hinges to
    have 90° stops.
    b) Drawer Guides: Drawers with less t han 1 cubic f oot of v ol ume – Hafele Accuride 50 lbs. If la rger t han 1
    cubic f oot of v olume – Hafele, Accuride 75 and 100 lbs.
    c) Shelf Standards a nd Brackets: K & V 255 and 256.
    d) Cabinet Locks
    i. Doors: Olympus 700 SC, 7/8” or 1 3/8” or KABA Simplex 9600.
    ii. Drawers: Olympus 800 SC, 7/8” or 1 3/8” or KABA Simplex 9600.
    iii. Narcotics/Medicine Drawers: Olympus 725 RL with Hospital Standard Core.
    e) Folding Shelf Brackets: Stanley 794.
    f) Plastic Grommets: Doug Mockett.
    g) Fixed Panels: KEKU push in fittings.
    h) Pulls: Berenson BE 9398.
    i) PPE Pull: HAF ELE
    j) PPE Cabinet soft close hinge: Hettich Intermat 9944, Fast-assembly hinge, Opening angle 125° with Hettich
    Soft Close.

06 60 00 Solid Surfaces

  1. In wet areas solid surfaces shall be us ed.

  2. Sinks in solid surface counters shall be integral solid surface construction.

  3. Solid surfaces shall b e used in window s ills.

  4. Drip edges shall be used on all sides of patient room sinks.

  5. Solid surface countertops to have integral back splashes. In patient care areas, solid surface back and side splashes
    to extend to the underside of the cabinet.

  6. Solid surface counters at workstations to have Kaufe edge.

  7. Any exposed surfaces under counter shall be painted.

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