Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 2: FAQs 91

have certain commonsense properties. In the following′
denotes differentiation with respect toW.

  • The functionU(W) can vary among investors, each
    will have a different attitude to risk for example.

  • U′(W)≥0: more is preferred to less. If it is a strict
    inequality then satiation is not possible, the investor
    will always prefer more than he has. This slope
    measures the marginal improvement in utility with
    changes in wealth.

  • UsuallyU′′(W)<0: the utility function is strictly
    concave. Since this is the rate of change of the
    marginal ‘happiness,’ it gets harder and harder to
    increase happiness as wealth increases. An investor
    with a concave utility function is said to berisk
    averse. This property is often referred to as the law
    of diminishing returns.

The final point in the above leads to definitions for mea-
surement ofrisk aversion.Theabsolute risk aversion
functionis defined as




Therelative risk aversion functionis defined as




Utility functions are often used to analyze random
events. Suppose a monetary amount is associated with
the number of spots on a rolled dice. You could
calculate the expected winnings as the average of all
of the six amounts. But what if the amounts were
$1, $2, $3, $4, $5 and $6,000,000? Would the average,
$1,000,002.5, be meaningful? Would you be willing to pay
$1,000,000 to enter this as a bet? After all, you expect
to make a profit. A more sensible way of valuing this
game might be to look at the utility of each of the six

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