Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1

  1. What are the most useful performance
    measures? 87

  2. What is a utility function and how is it used? 90

  3. What is Brownian Motion and what are its
    uses in finance? 94

  4. What is Jensen’s Inequality and what is its
    role in finance? 97

  5. What is Itˆo’s lemma? 100

  6. Why does risk-neutral valuation work? 103

  7. What is Girsanov’s theorem and why is it
    important in finance? 107

  8. What are the ‘greeks’? 110

  9. Why do quants like closed-form solutions? 116

  10. What are the forward and backward
    equations? 119

  11. Which numerical method should I use and
    when? 123

  12. What is Monte Carlo Simulation? 132

  13. What is the finite-difference method? 136

  14. What is a jump-diffusion model and how does
    it affect option values? 142

  15. What is meant by ‘complete’ and ‘incomplete’
    markets? 146

  16. What is volatility? 151

  17. What is the volatility smile? 157

  18. What is GARCH? 164

  19. How do I dynamically hedge? 170

  20. What is dispersion trading? 176

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