Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
172 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

smooth, monotonically increasing P&L but at the cost of
not knowing how much money you will make.

The profit each time step is


σ^2 − ̃σ^2

S^2 idt,

whereiis the Black–Scholes gamma using implied
volatility. You can see from this expression that as long
as actual volatility is greater than implied you will make
money from this hedging strategy. This means that you
do not have to be all that accurate in your forecast of
future actual volatility to make a profit.

How big is my hedging error? In practice you cannot hedge
continuously. The Black–Scholes model, and the above
analysis, requires continuous rebalancing or your posi-
tion in the underlying. The impact of hedging discretely
is quite easy to quantify.

When you hedge you eliminate a linear exposure to the
movement in the underlying. Your exposure becomes
quadratic and depends on the gamma of your position.
If we useφto denote a normally distributed random
variable with mean of zero and variance one, then the
profit you make over a time stepδtdue to the gamma
is simply
2 σ

(^2) S (^2) δtφ (^2).
This is in an otherwise perfect Black–Scholes world.
The only reason why this is not exactly a Black–Scholes
world is because we are hedging at discrete time inter-
The Black–Scholes models prices in theexpectedvalue
of this expression. You will recognize the^12 σ^2 S^2 from
the Black–Scholes equation. So thehedging erroris

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